1.3.11. FUSE bundles installation
The bundles are then installed for Fuse.
1- Extract the bundle tree in ~ / .m2 / repository. In case of a .rar it can be done by GUI |
tar zxvf ~/Descargas/release/bundles/m2.tar.gz ~ |
2- Navigate to the Fuse root folder |
cd ~/sii/fuse/jboss-fuse-6.3.0.redhat-187/ |
3- Create the work folder of Fuse |
mkdir ./work/ |
4- Extract PostgreSQL bundle into Fuse deploy folder |
cp ~/Descargas/fuse_bundle/config/fuse-postgresql-ds.xml ./deploy/ |
5- Extract configuration file techedge.cfg in Fuse etc folder |
(...) <property name="user" value="fuseadmin"/> <property name="password" value="**********"/> (...) |
6- Extract configuration file techedge.cfg in Fuse etc folder |
cp ~/Descargas/release/cfg.fuse/techedge.cfg ./etc/ |
7- Edit the techedge.cfg configuration file so that the username and password match that of Fuse (en ~/sii/fuse/jboss-fuse-6.3.0.redhat-187/etc/users.properties) Also you can copy the file from ~/Descargas/release/cfg.fuse Rellenar también la propiedad ClaveAESParte2, debe tener el mismo valor que la propiedad wsaeat.clave en ~/sii/dev/tomcat/apache-tomcat-8.5.11/conf/wsaeat.conf |
Contents of ~/sii/fuse/jboss-fuse-6.3.0.redhat-187/etc/techedge.cfg |
#Username and password for the use of ActiveMQ / JMS queues from the bundles queuesUsername= fuseadmin queuesPassword= *********** |
8- We stop Fuse, in case it is working with FUSESTOP and we start it again with FUSESTART Check that Fuse is working properly with FUSESTATUS. |
Running ... |
9- Launch Fuse Shell with FUSECLIENT |
10- You will have to install the dependencies of the B + bundles before installing the bundles.
features:install -v jndi features:install -v spring-jdbc features:install -v spring-aspects features:install -v camel-base64 features:install camel-script-groovy features:install camel-jetty features:install camel-jetty9
11- Verify that the installation was successful with the list command |
12- Now the B+ bundles for Fuse will be installed with the following order: |
14- We return to stop and start Fuse |
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