2.7.1. Overview
b+ SII Addon for Redhat FUSE is one of the components within the b+ suite that carries out the communication process with the AEAT. Within the product suite there are various components with complete functionalities for extracting VAT data from invoices, communication with AEAT, error handling, alarms.
This manual describes the steps required to perform configuration for a client on a Fuse machine, once the installation is complete.
The following files should be available before you begin:
- GeneraciondetablasPostgreSQLv1.sql or GeneraciondetablasPostgreSQLPASARELAv1.sql
The script to generate the client data in the PostgreSQL database, for Fuse and for the Gateway, respectively.
- PBKDF2Generator.jar
Encryption program to PBKDF2. It is used to encrypt the passwords of the clients before saving them in the database.
- A Keepass file with the credentials of the machine to which we want to connect.
- An Excel file with the client data to be entered into the table generation script.
The following programs should be available:
- PUTTY or another SSH client
- WinSCP
If we want to transfer the script by SCP / SFTP instead of paste its contents by SSH
- Keepass 2
In order to open the .kdb / .kdbx files in which the machine's credentials are stored, if we have not received them in another format.
Includes the following sections:
Section 2. How to Set Up a New Client for the Passthrough: This section describes how to add a client to the database on a system that is using the gateway
Section 3. How to Configure a New Client in FUSE: This section describes how to add a client to the database on a Fuse machine.
Section 4. Connecting to the machine via SSH: This section explains how to connect to a machine via ssh protocol, transfer the script and execute it on the machine either for the gateway or Fuse case.
Section 5. Checking the operation of services: This section checks the proper functioning of the certificate management service and the batch process service by accessing their respective web services.
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