5. FI-CA for Concilia
Apart from the customization indicated in the previous points for the Concilia, it is necessary to considerer the following points if you want to make reconciliations for FI-CA / IS-U
Model Class Customizing
For the company or companies that use the FI-CA module, a specific model class is provided from the product: / EDGE / CL_SII_CON_BPLUS_M_FICA that must be customized in the transaction / EDGE / SII_CON_MODEL for the companies that apply. If desired, you can also parameterize a class Z that inherits from the interface / EDGE / IF_CC_TRATAMIENTO.
BAdI for documents without AEAT
For the BAdI / EDGE / BADI_SII_IMPORTE_SAP_CON that calculates the documents that have not been sent to the AEAT, it is necessary to create a Z implementation to calculate these documents and their corresponding amounts in the FI-CA part.
This implementation Z can have as a class that implements / EDGE / CL_SII_IMPORTE_FICA that is provided from product as implementation by default. You can also use a class Z if you want a different operation.
The GET_FR method is not used, so an empty implementation is created. It is in the GET_FE method where the whole process is carried out since for FI-CA only Emitted Invoices are used. This BAdI has a filter per company that can be set for such implementation. When calculating the documents that have not been sent to the AEAT, the following requirements are considered:
- That the period of the documents is in the period that is being reconciled
- Have at least one tax position
- That it be an invoice as such
For this third point a table has been created available in the menu:
where you can customize classes of documents that you do not want to consider when taking documents that have not been sent to the AEAT.
This means, the kind of document that is parameterized in this table, will be excluded from the search of documents of this BAdI to show them in the section of Invoices Without AEAT (third tab of the Concilia):
To search for these documents in this BAdI, a database access is made to the table DFKKKO with the search key in the BLDAT field. It is recommended to create an index for this field and thus improve the performance of this search.
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