2.3. Data model class

2.3. Data model class

For each company, or alternatively in a generic way with space or asterisk, the Concilia data modeling class needs to be configured. The class provided by Concilia b+ for SAP's SII solution is /EDGE/CL_CS_TRATAMIENTO. In any case, and taking into account that a Z model adapted to the client could be used, the parameterized class must implement the interface /EDGE/IF_CC_TRATAMIENTO that has the following methods:

PREPARA_MAPEOSPreload of mappings, initial method before starting to map the data for the FI documents.
RECUPERA_GUIDObtaining GUID from the invoice.
ES_BAJADetermination of annulment type for the conciliation record book.
RECUPERA_MAPEOMapping for an individual eDocument.
ACTUALIZA_ESTADOUpdating of Concilia status.
UNPACK_KEYRetrieval of key fields from eDocument source.
RECUPERA_ANULACIONRetrieval of annulment instance.
RECUPERA_MAPEO_VIRTUALRetrieval of mapping for virtual eDocuments for SAP without AEAT data.
NAVEGANavigation to cockpit depending on data model.
RECUPERA_DIFERENCIASDiferences retrieval.
RECUPERA_DIFERENCIAS_DESDiferences retrieval divided by tax rate.
ESTADO_CORRECTOCheck if the status is correct.
RECUPERA_CONTRAPARTERetrieves counterpart additional data.
ES_BAJA_CAMBIO_IDRetrieves if this is an annulment for change of ID.

This customization is made from the transaction /EDGE/SII_CON_MODEL.

Avvale 2024