9. Authorization Objects Concilia

9. Authorization Objects Concilia

Note1: Client will create their own Roles and decide which authorization objects will be assigned to each User / Role. In any case, it is recommended that the deployment team has the ZESI_ADM authorization object in the development environment. It is also recommended that in the production environment the ZESI_ADM authorization object is assigned to selected users, since it allows any action in the SII environment. The rest of authorization objects can be assigned to the users according to the tasks to be carried out by each one (alarms, cockpit, reprocessing, reconciliation ...), and several can be assigned to the same user.

Note2: Note that the ZESI_ADM authorization object comprises the auth. objects for the product. For this purpose you have access to all the functionalities that the client decides to give permissions.

The authorization object that Concilia uses is ZESI_CONCI. It can be accessed through transaction SU21, ZESI folder.

Authorization object



Authorization object




Object of Authorization for Conciliation. The user who has this object will have permissions to create and / or visualize reconciliations.

  • BUKRS: Company. When this object is added to a role, it must be specified for which companies the authorization is sought.

  • Activity: When a role has this object it is necessary to indicate which activities you want to authorize. The activities related to this object of authorization are the following:

  1. Activity '03' - Visualize. With this activity, the user is authorized to read the conciliation information of the companies to which he has access.

  2. Activity ‘02’ - Modify. With this activity, the user is authorized to create and resume the reconciliation of the companies to which he has access.

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