2. Classes of data model

2. Classes of data model

For each company, or alternatively in a generic way with space or asterisk, the Concilia data modeling class will be configured.

The class provided by Concilia b+ SII is: / EDGE / CL_SII_CON_BPLUS_MODEL.

This customizing is made in the transaction / EDGE / SII_CON_MODEL located in the product's start menu:

The fields to be customized are the following:


Company for which a model class is established. If this field is left empty, it will take this class for all companies (provided that these are not already customized in this table with another different model class).

Class/InterfaceModel Class that Will take the company indicated in the previous field.

In any case, and considering that a Z model adapted to the client could be used, the customized class must implement the interface / EDGE / IF_CC_TRATAMIENTO that has the following methods:

PREPARA_MAPEOSPreload of mappings, initial method before starting to recover mappings for documents.
RECUPERA_GUIDObtaining GUID from the invoice
ES_BAJADetermination of cancellation for the instantiated LR.
RECUPERA_MAPEOMapping recovery for existing individual eDocument
ACTUALIZA_ESTADOUpdate of the reconciliation status
UNPACK_KEYObtain the key fields through the key of the eDocument source.
RECUPERA_ANULACIONRecovery of cancellation instance.
RECUPERA_MAPEO_VIRTUALMapping of SAP document without AEAT / eDocument.

Navigation to the cockpit according to solution.

RECUPERA_DIFERENCIASRecovery of differences.

Recovery of differences broken down by type.

ESTADO_CORRECTOCheck if the status of the eDocument is correct
RECUPERA_CONTRAPARTERetrieves additional data to report counterpart data.
ES_BAJA_CAMBIO_IDReturns if it is a cancellation ID change
RECUPERA_SIN_EDOCRecover documents without edocument.
RECUPERA_SIN_EDOC_DESGLOSERetrieve documents without edocument of the breakdown
MUESTRA_FI_SIN_EDOCShow the documents without edocument.

Navigate to document transaction.

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