5.2. Configuration

5.2. Configuration

5.2.1 FUSE

In the annex the FUSE type configuration file is included, it is very important to follow this file as a template to configure the new clients, in the public versions there will not be much difference in the configuration. In the rest of the clients it will depend on the version of the product they have. It is important to verify that the names of the new operations are added in the Bundles list of the configuration file "techedge.cfg".

5.2.2 TOMCAT

The configuration of the tomcat service will vary in all clients, since it is a very different version to all those already deployed in any client. To apply the new configuration, simply replace the "wsaeat-conf" file in the configuration folder, and modify the port where applicable.

The server.xml and e context.xml also vary in this version:

  • Context.xml: Include the new ResourceLink with the new datasource for the Angular project (<ResourceLink global="jdbc/bplus_sii_ds_angular" name="jdbc/bplus_sii_ds_angular" type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>)
  • Server.xml:
  1. Include the configuration of the new datasource (<Resource auth="Container" driverClassName="org.postgresql.Driver" maxActive="200" maxIdle="200" maxWait="-1" name="jdbc/bplus_sii_ds_angular" password="PlantillaInstalacion2017%" testOnBorrow="true" type="javax.sql.DataSource" url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/siiprod_db" username="fuseadmin" validationQuery="select 1"/>)  
  2. Include the configuration that allows the upload of files by Multipart through the context of the service (<Context path="/entrada_fuse" allowCasualMultipartParsing="true"/>)

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