4.Deployment and configuration of the new Tomcat service

4.Deployment and configuration of the new Tomcat service

The "Certificate Manager" has undergone a few improvements and now has become more of a "Fuse Manager" in terms of configuration and monitoring of the application.A new compiled file "WAR”.

Improvements include the change from SapUI5 to AngularJS, which improves the GUI, the user experience, and the optimization of information.

It also includes new options such as the creation of partnerships for the client, and active Lots monitoring, in addition to improvements in the certificate manager that already existed previously.

4.1. Deployment

To carry out the deployment it is necessary to fold the war with the previous service. To do this we delete the previous war from the webapps folder and wait until it has been completely uninstalled. Then we restart the tomcat service and deploy the new war in the webapps folder.

4.2. Configuration 

Apart from the tables configured in the first point, no further configuration is necessary for the application to work since it uses the configuration and the correlations of the Fuse itself.

Avvale 2024