2. Change in the Database

2. Change in the Database

Two new tables have been created in the Fuse database, to facilitate the active monitoring of batches, the LOG_TECNICO_ERROR table and the LOG_TECNICO_REGISTROS table. Also included, to assist in the monitoring, the Dashboard and SAP registration record table REGISTRO _DASHBOARD and REGISTRO _RESPUESTA_SAP.


Stores the data relative to each Batch sent to Fuse. In case of error, update the new status and keep a concise description of the error that has occurred, you can register both structure validation errors, and communication errors in both cases the status will be ERROR, validation errors can also occur of the AEAT in which case the registered status will be REJECTED.

On the other hand, if the lot has communicated correctly with the AEAT, two other states can be given, or ACCEPTED, if all the records have been accepted, or ACCEPTED WITH ERRORS if it has been accepted, but some records were left in error. In both cases, this table establishes a correlation with the LOG_TECNICO_REGISTROS table where each of the batch records is stored.


In this table the records of the batches of the LOG_TECNICO_ERROR table that require information of their records (ACCEPTED, ACCEPTED WITH ERRORS o REJECTED) are saved. The relationship between both tables is established through their external keys: ID_TENANT_EXT, ID_AGRUPACION_EXT, ID_ORIGEN and ID_LOTE. What you are assured of is a unique primary key.


In this table, a response record of the batch reception service of the Dashboard is saved. It is very useful when checking that a shipment has been correctly received by the Dashboard.


In this table, a response record of the SAP batch response reception service is saved. As in the previous table, it is used when checking that a shipment has been correctly received and accepted by SAP.

You can find the SQL Script for the creation of all the tables in the annex of this Implementation Plan.

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