6. New Conciliation
When performing a New Reconciliation if you enter data that disagrees with the filter that was previously made to enter the transaction, it will not appear. You will have to leave the screen and filter correctly for the new data to reconcile.
Company Code- Company for which the conciliation is launched
AT Daily book - Book of issued, received, Sell of goods on consignment, Investment goods or Intra-community operations
Fiscal Year - Exercise on which the reconciliation is launched
Conciliation period - We can launch reconciliations for the following periods
- Period from 01 to 12 - We will select the monthly period over which we want to launch the reconciliation
- Period 0A - We will select this period for the Investment Goods book
- Period AN - We will select this period for the books of issued, received and sale of goods on consignment. The system will generate a reconciliation line for each elapsed period of the selected fiscal year
- Quarterly period - We will select this period for the books of issued, received, sale of goods on consignment.
It will select the data that you want to use to launch the conciliation
and begin to perform the reconciliation:The traffic light will be yellow until the reconciliation is made. We can "Refresh" the screen to load the final state of the reconciliation.
Avvale 2024