2. Search filter
2. Search filter
Once inside, the following screen appears:
In it you can perform the data filter to view the reconciliations made above, select variant for the search and check the "Archived Reconciliation" box to take into account only the Conciliations that have been filed.
Search and filter example:
- Company Code: The company or range of companies for which you want to search. This field is required.
- AEAT Daily Book: Book for which you want to consult. This field will be mandatory. Multiple selection filtering will not be possible if the selected ledger is Sale of Goods on Consignment.
- Fiscal Year: Year of consultation.
- Conciliation period: Consultation period.
- Conciliation status
- Conciliation End Date:Fecha en la que terminó la Conciliación
- Conciliation End Hour
- Conciliation disagreements:
In this screen you can perform two actions, do the search for previous reconciliations by filling the filter with the options described above and clicking "Online"
perform a new reconciliation:, multiple selections available,
Avvale 2024