5. Display/Edit mode

5. Display/Edit mode

By clicking on the Display/Edit Mode button, the functionalities available for Concilia will be enabled.

  • New Conciliation: Launch a new reconciliation based on the selected criteria.

  • Refresh: When a reconciliation is left with the traffic light in red (technical error) it can be resent using this function.

  • Discard: When the reconciliation status is in progress (yellow traffic light) or an error has occurred (red traffic light), this function can be used.



  • Archive reconciliation: You can select reconciliations that have already been made and archive them, so that it do not appear in the list when you search for them.

Subsequently, the "Archived" Reconciliations can be consulted from the filtering screen by ticking the following checkbox:

Activating this check allows you to retrieve archived reconciliations so that it can be consulted in the main Concilia monitor.


  • Remove conciliation from DB: You can select reconciliations that have already been made and delete them, so as not to accumulate excess data in the system. This operation is irreversible.

    The system will display a message confirming the deletion action.

Once accepted, a message confirming the deletion will be displayed, keeping the reconciliation line but with all fields deleted.


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Avvale 2024