Authorizations: Communications user (RO)

Authorizations: Communications user (RO)

Communication users shall have the same authorization objects as application users.

In order for the communications equipment to communicate with the system, a user with certain permissions must be provided from SAP:


  • Role Z created for the application user

  • Role Z created by us which has the authorization object S_SERVICE with the permissions for the Service Definitions.


Authorization object S_SERVICE:

  • Serv. Type: WS

  • External Service: /EINVO/RO_SD_SEND_RESPONSE//EINVO/RO_SD_SEND_RESPONSE (Service Definition Name + / + Service Definition Function Module)




To check that the second Role is created correctly, run the following Function Module : AUTH_TRACE_WRITE_USOBHASH


Execute and check the value of the HASH_VALUE field matches the value of the NAME field of the S_SERVICE authorization object:

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Avvale 2024