8.4 BAdI to process invoice AEAT response

8.4 BAdI to process invoice AEAT response



Default implementation in the product: No

Implementation class: N/A

Uso: This BADI is called from the methods TRATAR_FE, TRATAR_FR, TRATAR_BI and TRATAR_OI of the class /EDGE/CL_SII_CONCILIA_API. It will be implemented if it is necessary to carry out a different treatment for certain records returned by the AEAT.

If the record has been processed by the BADI, the parameter EV_BADI_EXECUTED must be selected so that the process does not continue with standard processing.

Métodos de la BAdI:

  • MOD_TRATA_FR: Change response processing for an incoming invoice.

  • MOD_TRATA_FE: Change response processing for an issued invoice.

  • MOD_TRATA_OI: Change response processing for an intra-community transaction.

  • MOD_TRATA_BI: Modify response processing for a capital good.


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