b+ EI Hungary ECC v2.0 - Manual actions

b+ EI Hungary ECC v2.0 - Manual actions

  • Mappings:

A new mapping step has been added in the XML for fields outside the invoice block. These fields are the invoice number and issue date.
The new step is the one that maps the fields in the PART1 block with the type /EDGE/CL_EI_HU_MAP_INV_MAIN:

You should review the mapping order and also make the necessary name corrections for the Z classes you have implemented to adapt the changes to the new invoice structure. Make sure this new class is customized the first one and the rest of them has one more number in column “Consec.” than the number they used to have.

In case of having Z mapping classes, it is likely that errors will appear when importing the order in this new version since the code corrections will have to be made to make use of the new /EDGE/EIHU_ININVOICE_TYPE1 structure type.

  • Middleware services:

In this version, the service of sending invoice to the middleware changes. It is necessary to configure from the SOAMANAGER the logical port for the /EDGE/CO_EIHU_FURECEPCION_FACT service. You can copy the configuration of the logical port that you have already created in the previous /EDGE/CO_EIHU_FUSE_INVRECEPTION service.

Also there is a new web service for technical annulments that need and endpoint.

To do these adjustments you can use this guide: https://techedgespain.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BEGCS/pages/694091802


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