2.2.4 Simplified flow
This flow is active for the next communications:
Infocert - FUSE
New developments
To be able to adapt this flow to the product, the ABAP classes for the steps in /N/EDGE/FC_SPRO have been modified. If you have a Z step and you need to implement this flow, compare the classes and adjust them.
Include /EDGE/ST_EI_IT_FR_DATA in data base table /EDGE/FC_TB901 has been modified adding a new field: SIMPLIFIED. This field is CHAR 1 and it will be informed with X if the electronic invoice is simplified.
Some BAdIs have been changed to be able to have the simplified flow. If any of this BAdIs are implemented with Z classes, this classes will need to be adapted.
Modification of mapping class /edge/cl_ei_it_map_general. So that, if you have a Z class it might need to be adapted. The modifications are the following:
Method invoice_auto_post: New optional parameter is_fattura_simplf.
Method execute_mapping: New optional parameter is_fattura_simplf.
Modification in received class /EDGE/CL_EI_IT_RECSI_IS_RECEIV.
New data base table /EDGE/EI_FC_RCVD to get the structure of the invoice. It needs to be customized. The two entries that this table needs to have, are transported from this product, version 2.1. In case this table is empty it needs to be customized like this:
New method created: SET_DATA_STRUCTURE. This method is used to set what structure we are going to work with. For simplified invoices this structure is /EDGE/SIMPLIFATTURA_ELETTRONIC. It also has a check as importing parameter to indicate if it is a simplified invoice.
When you instance this BAdI, this method needs to be called to set the structure. If this method is not called, automatically the structure for “normal” invoices will be set (/EDGE/EI_ITFATTURA_ELETTRONICA).
The method GET_COMPANY_CODE of this BAdI has been changed to cover both flows. If this method has a Z implementacion, please revise this method and adapt it.
New method created: SET_DATA_STRUCTURE. This method is used to set what structure we are going to work with. For simplified invoices this structure is /EDGE/SIMPLIFATTURA_ELETTRONIC. It also has a check as importing parameter to indicate if it is a simplified invoice.
When you instance this BAdI, this method needs to be called to set the structure. If this method is not called, automatically the structure for “normal” invoices will be set (/EDGE/EI_ITFATTURA_ELETTRONICA).
New method created: GET_VENDOR_SIMPL. This method will map the vendor for simplified invoices.
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