Release Notes 1.7.3.
Release Notes 1.7.3.
SAP ECC Addon | Note:Important | Component | ||
1 | ECC B+SII | The registers of the standard EDOSTATUS and EDOTYPE tables related to the product are introduced due to the lack of certain records in the Stand-alone 1.7.0 order. | correction | |
2 | ECC B+SII | The default implementation of the BadI that calculates the amount of rectified invoices is corrected so that it takes the corresponding year. | correction | |
3 | ECC B+SII | The check of the type of batches for annual operations in the table "Conditions for batches" is removed. | correction | |
4 | ECC B+SII | BAdI's reserve class for alarms is modified to non-final. | correction | |
5 | ECC B+SII | The edoc_status data element is modified in search aid / EDGE / SII_PROC_STATUS. | correction | |
6 | ECC B+SII | A dump is corrected by including a payment / charging edocument to an existing lot. | correction | |
7 | ECC B+SII | Corrects the report / EDGE / SII_CHEQUEO_NIFS_INCORR where the fields 'NAME_AEAT' and 'NIF_AEAT' were not mapped correctly in the table / edge / sii_vlnifc | correction | |
8 | ECC B+SII - ISU/FI-CA | The amount is corrected by type of position in the BAdI / EDGE / IF_BADI_SII_IMP_SAP_CON for the class that the implementation for Concilia IS-U, / EDGE / CL_SII_IMPORTE_FICA should use. | correction | |
9 | B+ CONCILIA | The use of message class / EDGE / SII is changed to / EDGE / SII_CONCILIA. AIF customizing and range of numbers. | correction | |
10 | B+ CONCILIA | The package assignment is changed for the authorization object class ZESI_CONCI and for the authorization scope / EDGE / SII. | correction | |
11 | B+ CONCILIA | The attribute XML_VERSION is added to the / EDGE / IF_CC_COMMUNICATION_AEAT interface so as not to use the attribute of the class / edge / cl_sii_utilities. | correction | |
12 | B+ CONCILIA | Update view for table / EDGE / SII_CO_012. | correction | |
13 | B+ CONCILIA | The log / EDGE / SII object is added to the Concilia Commons component. | correction | |
14 | B+ CONCILIA | Fixed a bug in invoices received that took into account documents without tax positions for the Concilia. | correction | |
15 | B+ CONCILIA | Fixed a bug in the recovery of orphans for FR when they come without IDotro for Concilia. | correction | |
16 | B+ CONCILIA | The properties of the table / EDGE / SII_CO_014 - Concilia customizing by society are modified to be transportable. | correction | |
17 | B+ CONCILIA | The amount is corrected by type of position in the BAdI / EDGE / IF_BADI_SII_IMP_SAP_CON for the default class. | correction | |
18 | B+ CONCILIA | In the Concilia Documents without AEAT tab, it is checked that MM withdrawals are not taken. | correction | |
19 | B+ CONCILIA | Authorizations for the Concilia Monitor are corrected. | correction | |
20 | ECC B+SII | New English translations that were not available are added. | new functionality | |
21 | ECC B+SII | The transaction / EDGE / SII_CON_MODEL of model classes is added to the SII menu. | Read relevant documentation | new functionality |
22 | ECC B+SII | The product is enabled for ZP / KZ payments through the use of the new BAdI: / EDGE / BADI_SII_COMPENSAC_PR_CE. | Read relevant documentation | new functionality |
23 | B + CONCILIA | Product authorizations are set for the report / EDGE / SII_CONCILIA_CARGA_CSV. | new functionality | |
24 | B + CONCILIA | The Concilia for FI-CA is enabled (Version 1.7.2 Concilia for FI-CA) | Read relevant documentation | new functionality |
25 | B + | HOTFIX 033 - Corrección fecha expiración alarmas |
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