4. Releases (HU)
20 June 2024
Version 3.1.0 of eInvoice Hungary includes various corrections and improvements over version 3.0.1, as well as new functionalities, including: Replacement and modification of parameterization tables, flow for sending self-billing records, new layout of columns in the ALV of eInvoice Hungary, new states for reprocessing records and resending status request. Addition of a new interpreter paramete and XML data corrections.
📁 b+dgtal eInvoice Hungría - Versión 3.1.0 zip
Customizing tables have been improved
IMPORTANT NOTE - 3.2.3. Creation conditions Hungary
New authorisation objects
New functionality
Reprocessing monitor
New BAdIs created
Alarm development
Download attachments
Recording the technical cancellation in the log
New statuses for resending requests for status of records sent to NAV - Overall functionality of the b+ eInvoice Hungary monitor
New parameter "TIPO_COTIZACION" -Interpreter parameter: "TIPO_COTIZACION"
Navigation to issuer master via the "Issuer ID" column in ALV of eInvoice Hungary.
6 November 2023
Code adaptations were made for the new OSA schemas and ABAP proxies of version 3.0. This involved adjustments to the XML invoice mapping logic, including the introduction of fields such as "customerVatStatus" and automatic assignment of the customer's tax ID number. In addition, changes were implemented in the "LINE" and "INVOICE SUMMARY" sections, as well as modifications to the VAT exemption table, with the inclusion of new fields and optimizations in the search aids. Adjustments were also made to the VAT rate fields, eliminating obsolete fields and adding new validations.
📁 b+dgtal eInvoice Hungría - Versión 3.0.0 zip
New functionality
Code adaptations for the new OSA schemas and abap proxies of version 3.0.
Code adaptations for the new mapping logic in the XML issued invoice.
Code adaptations for the new mapping logic in the XML issued invoice.
Modifications in the VAT exemption table.
New finding aids.
29 junio 2020
The invoice now includes the serial number and issue date. New mandatory requirements such as "lineExpressionIndicator" have been introduced. The length of descriptions is limited to 512 characters, and other tags like "productCodeOwnValue" are limited to 255 characters. Changes include node name modifications, new mandatory tags, and the removal of obsolete elements. Additionally, indicators such as "smallBusinessIndicator" and "periodicalSettlement" have been added, along with the code for corrective invoices "STORNO".
Update to the new agency format 2.0
The "View XML" and "View response" buttons show an error if multiple invoices are selected at once.
The response XML is only stored if there is an error in the response, i.e., if there is an "ERROR" in the status block.
Mapping modification
Added the Object Type column to the ALV
New assignments for SD documents.
Check and modify the assignment of the files invoiceIssueDate & invoiceDeliveryDate
Add search help for document types
Access to the SAP document view for VBRK type objects.
New Functionality
State change button
Allowed Modifications
Modification/creation of states
New invoice status RECEIVED
Store notifications of accepted invoices
Technical cancellations
Column to identify the type of operation
Store the NAV XML attachment
Added the Object Type column to the ALV
New assignments for SD documents
Adaptation of the code to version 1.2
Create the mandatory tag summaryByVatRate
Date and time validations
Include the Exchange Rate field
New tag "Logical Indicator" LineExpressionIndicator
Values for "Unit of Measure" in the UnitOfMeasure field
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