Filetype channels configuration.

Filetype channels configuration.

Transaction /EDGE/FC_SPRO → Configuration Folder "Filetype channels."

This configuration is solely for file channels. In this setup, you specify the local paths where the channels of the operating system, where the ABAP instance is located, should read and write.

Through this option, the following columns must be configured:

  • Channel
    Selection of the previously created channel.

  • Directory
    Directory from which the files will be read or written.

  • Log. Name?
    Indicates whether the Directory or Mask corresponds to a Logical Name. This functionality has not been implemented yet, so it is irrelevant whether this check is selected or not.

  • Mask to search files.

    It is optional and only applies to inbound channels, which need to read files from a folder that match a specific prefix or suffix.

Example of this configuration:

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