Business Objects configuration accepted.
Transaction /EDGE/FC_SPRO → "Accepted Business Objects" configuration folder.
The processes commonly deployed in the b+ dgtal eInvoice are processes that either end or start with standard SAP Business Objects. For example, for the invoice receipt process, it is possible for the received electronic invoice to end in:
- SAP Vendor Invoice Management (VIM) → Business Object /OPT/V1001
- Invoice MM → Business Object BUS2081
- Invoice FI → Business Object BKPF
And an issued electronic invoice can come from:
- Invoice SD → Business Object VBRK
- Invoice FI → Business Object BKPF
In that case, it is necessary to set which of these standard Business Objects will be used in all processes and, for each one, indicate the class that implements the logic to display the SAP document created for the respective Business Object.
Currently, three classes have already been developed to enable the display of the document for the respective Business Object:
To display the document of any other Business Object, you must create a class that implements the interface /EDGE/IF_FC_SHOW_EXT_DOCUMENT.
Example of the setup:
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