Channels configuration.

Channels configuration.

Transaction /EDGE/FC_SPRO → Configuration folder "Channels".

Through this configuration, you can set up inbound and outbound channels for each of the business units (Defined in "Business process design"). 

The inbound channels are used to receive files or incoming data. These inbound channels are employed when it is known in advance which business unit is required for the incoming information.

The outbound channels are used to send information to external systems. However, they are not widely used and are optional to create since it is possible that external information sending may not be needed throughout the entire flow.

The following is the series of columns that should be configured for each channel:

  • Channel
    Corresponds to the unique identification of the channel.

  • Channel Name
    Corresponds to the name given to the channel.

  • Dir. Chann
    Corresponds to whether the channel is for inbound or outbound use.

  • Chan. type
    Corresponds to the type of channel. At the moment, only two types of channels can be created, but this does not affect the processing logic of the b+ dgtal eInvoice; it is used only for informational purposes.

  • ABAP class
    ABAP class that implements the channel's execution logic. This class must implement the interface /EDGE/IF_FC_CHANNEL.
    For inbound channels, the EXECUTE_IN method must be implemented, and for outbound channels, the EXECUTE_OUT method must be implemented.

Example of channel configuration:

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