Channels - Technical details
The corresponding channels will have to be parameterized in the cluster view of the folder “Canales”.
From product there is a class that is use for the sending channel to send notification emails.
This class is /EDGE/CL_AL_MAIL that extends the abstract class /EDGE/CL_AL_CHANNELS. In this class the emails are sending to certain recipients those have being include in the parameterization recipient list in the alarm and also send an attachment with the object data tha have being created in the alarm.
For add more excel fields attachted in the email, follow the next link:
The class /EDGE/CL_AL_CHANNEL have the followings voids:
/EDGE/IF_AL_CHANNEL~SET_ATRIB → Make the atributes asignation from channel to the class (use the interfaz /EDGE/IF_AL_CHANNEL ).
/EDGE/IF_AL_CHANNEL~ENVIAR_NOTIFICACION → This void send the notifications throw the channel and the corresponding recipient list (use the interfaz /EDGE/IF_AL_CHANNEL ). This void is redifined in the class /EDGE/CL_AL_CHANNEL .
GET_DIR → Return the users with the corresponding directions (in the case of emai the email address). This void is redifined in the class /EDGE/CL_AL_CHANNEL .
GET_TYPE_EXCEL → Return an object with the excel structure that will be attached in the sending.
ENVIAR → Send throw the corresponding channel. This void is redifined in the class /EDGE/CL_AL_CHANNEL .
UPDATE_NOTIF → Update the notification DB table.
GET_SAPSCRIPT → Get the corresponding SAPScript.
Class /EDGE/CL_AL_MAIL has also the next void:
TRANS_TO_HTML → Transform the email contain to HTML.
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