Alarm triggers - Technical details

Alarm triggers - Technical details

The parameterization of triggers have to be by default from product.

This parameterization is about make relations between object with a alarm type and configurate which field of the extraction table object is relevant to start or end this alarm type, it can also configure a class for start or end the alarm of this kind, it will depend of the trigger which has been configured for a specific alarm.

There are three trigger types that can be configured for an alarm:

  • Expiration.- In the alarm trigger parameterization for a Expiration alarm only will be allowed to start the alarm with a date field of the extraction object and a field of any other extaction table object to end.

  • State .- For the start parameterization of state alarm will be allowed to start with one field of any extraction table object and other field of the same table to end.

  • Value .-For the alarm value will be allowed parameterization so much for a field of extraction table object as for a class to start the alarm and a field of the extraction table object o a class to end the alarm.

For develop a owner class for a specific trigger, this class has to extend the abstract class /EDGE/CL_AL_DETERM_OBJ. And the voids to overwrite are:

  • SELECT_DESACT → This void is calling from /EDGE/IF_AL_DETERM_OBJ~DETERMINE_DESACT_INSTANCES_AL and running when a register that end the alarm is defined. This void does not received any register from extraction table object, the register are received in the IT_RECORDS_IN_ALARM parameter and it will be use to end the alarm. It should be return in the IT_RECORDS_DEL_ALARM parameter all the redister to remove the alarm.

  • LOOP_DESACT → This void is calling from /EDGE/IF_AL_DETERM_OBJ~DETERMINE_DESACT_INSTANCES_AL and running when a register that alarm end is defined. This void receives registers from extraction table object, so the alarm end will be defined only for the register of the CT_OBJ_RECORD table and also these are in the IT_RECORDS_IN_ALARM. It should be return in the IT_RECORDS_DEL_ALARM parameter all the redister to remove the alarm.

  • SELECT_ACTIVE → This void is calling from /EDGE/IF_AL_DETERM_OBJ~DETERMINE_ACTIVE_INSTANCES_AL and running when a register that start the alarm is defined. This void does not received any register from extraction table object, so it should be select all the register from DB that will be create the alarm. It should be return in the ET_RECORDS_NEW_ALARM parameter all the register to remove the alarm.

  • LOOP_ACTIVE → This void is calling from /EDGE/IF_AL_DETERM_OBJ~DETERMINE_ACTIVE_INSTANCES_AL and running when a register that start the alarm is defined. This void receives registers from extraction table object, so it should determinate only the IT_OBJ_RECORD register to create the alarm. It should be return in the ET_RECORDS_NEW_ALARM parameter all the register to remove the alarm.

  • /EDGE/IF_AL_DETERM_OBJ~GET_TABS_AND_FIELDS_F4 → This void should be return the ralation between table/field in the ET_TAB_FIELDS_ALLOWED table for those values that are allow to start or end a alarm in the alarm parameterization. This table is show like a help for search.

The classes EDGE/CL_AL_DETERM_VALOR, /EDGE/CL_AL_DETERM_CADUCIDAD are useful to create a example for develop a new Z class.


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