Middleware configuration

Middleware configuration

This section describes the steps to follow to connect with the middelware that will offer the necessary web services.

This task will be carried out in the “Communication Arrangement” Tile and will need to be done manually in each of the systems.

The user who performs this task must have access to the Tile Communication Arrangements , to do so they must have one of these three roles assigned: SAP_BR_ADMINISTRATOR or SAP_BR_APPL_SUP_ENG_DEV_SUP or SAP_BR_CONF_EXPERT_BUS_NET_INT.

If the system has multiple clients, this task will be performed on the work client, which is usually client 100.

 The steps to be performed on each system to connect with the service provider are described below:

  1. Create Communication Arrangements

To create the communication arrangement, we navigate to the Tile in question and press the new button


Next, we select the scenario ID /TBAI/CS_SCPI and complete the field with the name to create the communication arrangement.

It is very important that the name of the communication arrangement is /TBAI/CS_SCPI.


2.Create the Communication System

Once the communication arrangement has been created, the communication system must be created in which the host data and authentication data will be indicated through the communications user. To do this, we press the new button and give a name to the communications system created.


In the Communication system, within the “General” tab we will include the hostname provided by the service provider :


3.Create the communication user

Next we will include the communications user provided, which will be an outbound user (“User for Outbound Communication).


The authentication method must be indicated, user/pass in our case. Once included, press Save and return to the Communication Arrangement.

4.Complete the endpoints

Finally, in the “Outbound Services” section we will indicate the endpoints that the communication scenario has.


Below are the endpoints to include for the ticketbai service to work correctly.

In the following table are all the routes or endpoints that must be included, the Service URL will be filled in automatically. You will have to mark the status checkbox to activate each of them.

Outbound services


Outbound services


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Get abap structure from XML - Baja LROE FR v1.00


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Finally you have to save and wait for the activation message to appear.

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