Creating space and pages

Creating space and pages

This task needs to be carried out because it is not yet possible to import this type of objects. SAP is expected to add this functionality in Q3/2024. In this link you can see the task in the SAP roadmap.

To view applications on the system home page, it is necessary to organize them in a space and assign that space to a role. Here's how to create it:

  1. Create a space and a page.

We go to the Manage launchpad spaces application and create a new space:


We will create the space and the page directly if we check the “Also create a page” flag, we complete all the information:


Once the space and the page have been created, we navigate to the page details to add the applications that we want to appear.

Within the page detail we must give the section a title and select the application catalog where the application we want to include is located:

In our case we select the catalog /TBAI/BC_MONITOR - b+ TicketBAI: Monitors, where the application we want to include is located:


Now the monitor applications appear and we can add them to the page:

In our case we are going to add the Monitor b+ TicketBAI-BATUZ application:

Once added, we save the changes.

  1. Assign the space to a business role.

In the “Update Business Roles” application we will look for the roles to which we want to add the space.

In our example we are going to add the space to the TBAI_BR_USER and TBAI_BR_ADMINISTRATOR roles . These roles as created based on templates may be called differently on the client system.

We select the roles to which we want to add the space and select Mass Modification :

We select “Launch ramp space allocation” and “next step”:

We look for the space we have created, and we review.

Finally, we confirm the assignment of the space to the roles:

We will have already assigned the space to the roles we have selected. Now the users who have any of the assigned roles will see these spaces on the main page of the system:


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