General parameters configuration

General parameters configuration

Transaction / EDGE / FC_SPRO → Configuration folder "General parameters".

Through this configuration, the following information is assigned for the correct execution of the Core Framework.
  • Business Object of the whole process (Column "Object type")

Place fixed "/ EDGE / FCBO"

  • Log level (Column "Level log")

It corresponds to the level of the log that is going to persist in the technical log of the Core Framework processes. This configuration can be overwritten in each of the business Units; however, if in some Business Unit the parameter is not configured, then it applies to that Business Unit. The possible values ​​are:

  • 1 → All types of messages are saved.
  • 2 → Only message types S, W, E are saved.
  • 3 → Only message types W, E are saved.
  • 4 → Only message types E. are saved.

  • Product Id (Column "Id Product")

It corresponds to the same product Id as the one with which the license was installed in the step "Installation of the license".

  • Class for external file upload (Column "Implementation of external reception of arch")

This parameter is optional, and is used to assign the class that is able to receive files externally to start the Core Framework processes, without knowing which business units belong to each of the files. This class must implement the interface /EDGE/IF_FC_START_PROCESS_EXT. This class has the responsibility to start the Core Framework processes using the corresponding Business Units for each of the files that arrive. In case there is a scenario in which the Business Units that will be executed can not be "burned" by code, it is recommended to configure the class / EDGE / CL_FC_START_PROCESS_EXT in this field and configure the entire module for automatic Business Units determination. Example of the configuration of these parameters:

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Avvale 2024