Hungary Customizing
In the menu /n/edge/fc_spro some customizing needs to be done. Most of this custo is given by the own product, but, make sure all this information is set in the system where you are installing the product.
- Business Unit parameters (From version 2.0)
Parameter | Value | Description |
DAYS_DURATION_LOG | 100 | The expiry date of the log is configured. This date will be calculated with the current day of creation of the log plus the number of days configured in the table. |
DOC_TYPE_Q | KobakStatus | This parameter is standard |
DOC_VERSION | 2.0 | This parameter is standard |
HEADER_VERSION | 1.0 | This parameter is standard |
INVOICE_INTERFACE_XML | /EDGE/CO_EIHU_INHTTP1 | This parameter is standard |
INVOICE_METHOD_XML | TNS_INVOICE_DATA | This parameter is standard |
INVOICE_PROXY | /EDGE/CO_EIHU_FURECEPCION_FACT | This parameter is standard |
MAX_RETRY | 5 | This parameter is optional and it is used to extend the retries that the electronic invoice needs to extract the data to sent the XML |
MW_INTF_XML | /EDGE/CO_EIHU_FURECEPCION_FACT | This parameter is standard |
MW_METHOD_XML | MANAGE_INVOCIE | This parameter is standard |
MW_Q_INTF_XML | /EDGE/CO_EIHU_FUSE_QINRECEPCIO | This parameter is standard |
MW_Q_METHOD_XML | QUERY_INVOICE_STATUS | This parameter is standard |
NAV_INTF_XML | /EDGE/CO_EIHU_APIHTTP1 | This parameter is standard |
NAV_METHOD_XML | TNS_MANAGE_INVOICE_REQUEST | This parameter is standard |
NAV_Q_INTF_XML | /EDGE/CO_EIHU_APIHTTP1 | This parameter is standard |
NAV_Q_METHOD_XML | TNS_QUERY_TRANSACTION_STATUS_R | This parameter is standard |
PARTY | SAP001 | This parameter needs to be customized to be able to map the company correctly |
PHIO | /EDGE/EIHP | This parameter is standard |
PRODUCT | KOBAK | This parameter is standard |
QUERY_PROXY | /EDGE/CO_EIHU_FUSE_QINRECEPCIO | This parameter is standard |
REQUEST_VERSION | 2.0 | This parameter is standard and it shows the format version of the XML |
RETRY_INTERVAL | 5 | This parameter is optional and it is used to extend the time that the electronic invoice needs to extract the data to sent the XML each retry |
STAGE | ENVINFAC | This parameter is standard |
STAGE_Q | ENVSTATS | This parameter is standard |
STORE_XML | X | This parameter is to active XML storing files functionality |
TENANT | TECHEDGE | This parameter needs to be set with the correct TENANT for your system |
- Mapping classes
These 6 ABAP classes are used to map the XML fields. They can be changed in the system and you can use Z classes if you need a different mapping.
- /EDGE/CL_EI_HU_MAP_INV_MAIN: This class maps the fields invoice number and issue date:
- /EDGE/CL_EI_HU_MAP_INV_REFEREN: This class maps the Reference block of the XML:
- /EDGE/CL_EI_HU_MAP_INV_HEAD: This class maps the Invoice Head block:
- /EDGE/CL_EI_HU_MAP_INV_LINES: This product maps the Invoice Lines block:
- /EDGE/CL_EI_HU_MAP_PRODUCT_FEE: Currently, this class is not mapping any block, although it will be used to map the Product Fee Summary block.
- /EDGE/CL_EI_HU_MAP_INV_SUMMARY: This class maps the Invoice Summary block:
Note about mapping class
These standard classes can be changed for Z classes so the mapping can be adjusted to your own requirements. Make sure that these classes inherit from intarface /EDGE/IF_EI_HU_MAPPING.
- External document types
In this customizing, the Archive link repository is configured where the XML is stored. It is mandatory, if it is not configured it will raise an exception in step 20 - Transform invoice to XML NAV.
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