2.6. Field comparision exceptions

2.6. Field comparision exceptions

You can implement your own comparators for the different fields, parameterized by company code (also generically with space or "*") and register book. For this, transaction sm30 will be used to update the table /EDGE/SII_CO_012. When there is no entry for a field, the comparison of the default class /EDGE/CL_SII_COMPARADOR_CAMPOS is used.

The configuration to be made is the following:
  • Company Code: Company code for which the exception applies. If it is empty or has the value "*", it applies to all companies.
  • Record Book: Record Book for which the exception applies.
  • Field: Field for which the exception applies.
  • Class / Interface: ABAP class used to make the exceptional comparison, these classes have to implement the interface /EDGE/IF_SII_COMPARADOR_CAMPOS and its COMPARA_ELEMENTO method. If a class is not customized, the field will be ignored in the comparisons of the conciliations.

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