7 Tips for Finding the Best Candidates

7 Tips for Finding the Best Candidates

How to fill a vacancy faster and better? How to find even more candidates using familiar and accessible sources of information? Answer: only by using these sources even more effectively! New wave recruiting is active recruiting.

1. Get the most out of your employees

Use an active recommendation chain.

How many employees are in your company? How many acquaintances can each of them have? How many of these acquaintances can be useful for your company?

From the results of the sample survey, it became clear that the targeted collection of recommendations is a very important channel for obtaining information about highly qualified specialists. To learn more about the lead prospector, follow the link.

It remains only to make it a system:

  • have your  recruiters meet  with people who have joined the company in the last 6 months;

  • let each new employee prepare a list of his colleagues from the two previous jobs;

  • let them tell the recruiter about their best former colleagues;

  • then you call these people and “do your recruiting”.

Incentivize (including financially) employees to become freelance talent hunters. Winner of the international award of the ERE-2006 Recruiting Association, QuickenLoans company receives 60% of new employees thanks to old ones! EVERYONE is a volunteer recruiter there.

2. Get the most out of the Internet

Actively use social networking sites

One of the near-scientific legends says that a chain of 6 handshakes (ie contacts) between acquaintances and acquaintances of acquaintances can connect you with any person on the planet. This is the basis for the growing popularity of such sites.

The search for classmates, classmates and other classmates develops into just an orgomic network of contacts. Business is based on personal connections and the best vacancies are often filled by candidates found through acquaintances.

Candidates should find your vacancies not only on job sites, but also through search engines.  Do this experiment.

Using Google, Yandex or Meta, try to find at least one of your vacancies by typing in the search bar: job title, one or two keywords, city and the word “job”. Did your vacancy appear in the list on the first page? If not, then try changing the order of entering words. If in this case it is not there, modify the text of the ad.

But first, and most importantly, try to understand why other jobs made the list on the first page, but yours did not. This may be due to the keywords used in the ad text. If you want to increase the response rate to your vacancy, and also to have your vacancy at the very top of the list - put yourself in the place of the job seeker: use the methods that candidates use to find vacancies.

3. Get the most out of your company's image

In the long run, job branding is very important.

There are a growing number of articles on the importance of a persuasive ad. They talk about how to win over potential job seekers with compelling content; how to highlight job prospects in the text, rather than strict requirements for candidates. It is very important that the applicant easily finds a vacancy and immediately responds to it.

But there is another aspect that is often overlooked when looking for the best employees: the importance of long-term prospects and company image when using ads. In other words, company branding and vacancies. Job branding refers to “associating” a job with something significant, such as: a big company project, conquering a market, launching new products / services, career development.

Ask job seekers if your company is a "good place to work". If 60% answer "yes" - this is a good result.

Give candidates the opportunity to see more of the benefits and prospects of working in your company. This greatly affects the choice of a candidate when he has several job offers. This affects the choice of his family and friends when he consults with them (and he does!).

4. Squeeze everything out of the company website

Develop your corporate website not only as a platform for selling goods and services, but also as a platform for selling a “good place to work”.

Almost 90% of corporate websites fail in terms of attracting talented employees. At best, they can only attract a few candidates. However, they fail to arouse the interest of visitors in the prospects of working in the company, as well as answer the main questions. Nowadays, for 50% of candidates, information received from websites is important and even  decisive  when choosing a job. Corporate websites should do more than just make things easier for internal recruiters. Corporate websites should hype the company to candidates and pique their interest. If you are interested in reverse adress lookup, please follow the link to learn more.

Let your  marketer evaluate  your site as a tool for marketing vacancies.

Learn from the best. Check out Deloitte - the best site for attracting talent around the world:

  • regular studies are carried out on how convenient it is for job seekers to work with the site;

  • surveys, questionnaires and contests (!) for future employees;

  • the site has all the necessary information about future work;

  • the location of the candidate is automatically determined and the information is “adjusted” to the consumer according to regional and demographic characteristics;

  • Web Sorting: Candidates who, after browsing the site, want to apply for a job are "filtered" with questions tailored to each individual job posting;

  • rewarded for referrals.

5. Get the most out of your recruiters

Stop using "HR" as recruiters.

Why do companies keep hiring or promoting passive administrators for a position that requires the talent of a hunter, a detective, a bloodhound? Can the majority of human resources workers, or as they are now called,  HR managers , really be engaged in modern, aggressive recruiting? Can a just outgoing and friendly  office manager really  become an (internal) recruiter? Will he be able to make “active” calls to strangers, the so-called. "passive" candidates and even competitors? Will he be able to “sell” the company and the vacancy?

Not always. Recruiter is a trade profession. Good recruiters need to be great not so much about paperwork as they need to be able to quickly process information, master sales skills, be skillful in communication and “seduction”. All of these ingredients ultimately make a great job salesperson out of a recruiter. Recruiters need to be selected and retained based on their ability/ability to find and sell. Immediately fire clerical rats who spend hours clarifying and signing documents, shifting papers, and at the same time believe that this is recruiting.

6. Plan and Measure

Use pro-active, not reactive recruiting.

Everyone involved in personnel management fancies himself a strategist. Unfortunately, most of the time it's all just talk. Ask HR managers you know what their HR strategy is. You'll get a variety of responses, from "I don't know" to nonsensical "We're hiring good people." It's sad that over 75% of companies don't have a written HR plan. Few determine their result even by 2 criteria: the number of candidates hired and the cost per employee hired. Unfortunately, few focus on a more strategic approach that determines the impact of the recruitment system on the business.

Create a recruiting strategy.  Make a forecast of talent needs for 1-2, preferably 3 years ahead. Learn from the best.

Hewlett-Packard is a pioneer in adopting a truly global HR strategy and in using technology to advance HR more than 20 years into the future. To support the global self-service model of HR, the company's latest major step was to integrate all of the technologies for hire through its web portal.

The global workforce database contains 147,000 workers from 178 countries. The base supports 11 languages ​​and can serve up to 36 different transactions between employees.

Know how to measure and present the results of personnel work in money .

Unfortunately, in 90% of the reports of recruiters remain underestimated by the top management of companies. Hiring managers  rarely manage to convert the results of their work into dollars.

If you can show your manager the increased productivity of the  people you  hire in dollars or the dependence of increasing the growth of the company's customers on the work of the  employees you attracted  , then you automatically become a person who really adds value to the company. Converting data into hryvnias or dollars is very important, since such figures are understandable to everyone. The language of business is currency, not just odds and percentages.

7. Change! New recruiting is active recruiting!

Aggressive sales. Attack marketing. "New Economy". None of this can happen without “new wave” recruiting!

The active recruiter doesn't just wait for candidates' resumes in response to media and Internet ads. He actively uses sources to identify  all  candidates, not just those who noticed the job posting. It uses not only job sites, but also:

  • branch and industrial portals;

  • "social networks";

  • search engines;

  • forums and chats.

An active recruiter trusts the text of the resume less and less .  Most resumes are a light fiction document that includes a few keywords and contact information. Most resumes are illiterate and consist of 30% lies, 30% exaggerated merit, and 30% unnecessary information. The best employees are the best candidates. Rarely will a top employee have a well-designed, up-to-date, and well-formatted resume. An active recruiter explores the true motivation of the candidate and the real results of his work more.

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