Upload Business Configurations

Upload Business Configurations


SAP Cloud provides the application ā€œUpload Business Configurationsā€, which allows uploading Excel files with multiple entries corresponding to ā€œCustom Business Configurationsā€ (Customizing), as follows:

  1. Upon accessing, you must specify the ā€œObject Nameā€ and the ā€œOperationā€:

Example: Insert entries in the section ā€œMain TBAI Configurationā€ (/TBAI/C_COPR)

  1. Once the object and operation are specified, proceed to ā€œStep 2ā€, where a download link (ā€œDownload File Templateā€) will be available. This link provides an Excel version of the selected configuration section as an object.

Select the option ā€œFields allowed for uploadā€

To avoid errors when deploying entries loaded via the "File Template," the file must contain only valid data according to the table.

  • Entry type: Only accepts ā€œ1ā€ (New) and ā€œ2ā€ (Cancellation).

  • Amending code: Allowed values: ā€œR1ā€, ā€œR2ā€, ā€œR3ā€, ā€œR4ā€, ā€œR5ā€, and empty.

  • Simplified Invoice, Simplified Substitute, and Summary entry: Accept ā€œXā€ (Yes) and empty (No).

  • Rectification type: Only allows ā€œIā€ (Differences) and ā€œSā€ (Replacement).

  • Invoice Type: Applies only to "New" submissions of received invoices. Allowed values: ā€œF1ā€, ā€œF2ā€, ā€œF3ā€, ā€œF4ā€, ā€œF5ā€, ā€œF6ā€, ā€œLCā€, and empty.

  • Regime Code (1-3): Must be a 2-digit numeric value, depending on the Chapter:

    • Chapter 1 (Issued Invoices): Values between ā€œ01ā€-ā€œ15ā€, ā€œ17ā€, ā€œ53ā€, and ā€œ54ā€.

    • Chapter 2 (Received Invoices): Values between ā€œ01ā€-ā€œ09ā€, ā€œ12ā€, and ā€œ13ā€.

  • Overview of Issued Invoices: Only accepts ā€œ1ā€ (Supply of Goods) and ā€œ2ā€ (Provision of Services).

  • Overview of Received Invoices: Only accepts ā€œCā€ (Purchase of Assets/Goods), ā€œGā€ (Expenses), and ā€œIā€ (Investment Assets/Goods).

  • Self-consumption: Accepts ā€œXā€ (Yes) and empty (No).

  • Issued by: Only allows ā€œDā€ (Recipient), ā€œNā€ (Own), and ā€œTā€ (Third Party).

Any invalid data will generate an error when deploying the entry extension in Main TBAI Configuration (/TBAI/C_COPR).


  1. After consolidating the Excel file with the entries to be inserted, select it using the ā€œAddā€ button. Then, click the ā€œStep 3ā€ button to upload and read the file.
    Using the ā€œReviewā€ button, you can examine the uploaded data before deployment (via the ā€œDeployā€ button), which will require a transport request and deployment confirmation.


To use this application, the user must have the following business catalogs, included in the business role SAP_BR_BPC_EXPERT:

Business Catalog


Business Catalog



Business Configuration: Settings


Business Configuration - File Upload


Business Configuration: Transport Management


Business Configuration: Transport Management


Business Configuration - Transport Display


Translation: Customizing


Business Configuration: Stagings

For more information about the ā€œUpload Business Configurationā€ application, visit:
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