2. Software download

2. Software download

Before proceding with the installation of the product it is necesary to download the software.

For this b+dgtal has made available a portal where you can download the software: https://oneplace.bplus.tech If you do not have a user name, please send an email to the adress es-bplussiteadmin@avvale.com where a user will be provided.









PDF File documentación_oneplace.v0.1.pdf

Mar 16, 2021 by Carlos Ivan Prieto


PNG File image-20210316-180251.png

Mar 16, 2021 by Carlos Ivan Prieto


PNG File image-20210316-180421.png

Mar 16, 2021 by Carlos Ivan Prieto


PNG File image-20210316-180438.png

Mar 16, 2021 by Carlos Ivan Prieto

Download All

Once registred in the portal we can proceed to download the files that make up the drop down. In the case of starting an installation from scratch on the SAP PI/PO component, the files to download are the following:

  1. bplus.sii.installation.package.sap.pi.750.addon.v1.8.0.zip: Versión del producto b+dgtal compliance for SAP PI/PO en su versión 7.50.

  2. bplus.sii.installation.package.sc-aappesp-adapter.zip

Unzipping these files will show you a folder with the following structure:

In the SCAs folder you will find the files that you have to install on the Java EE machine. For this process follow the following link: https://techedgespain.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BTE/pages/2653061123

The TPZ files are files that you have to import into the Enterprise Service Repository tool of SAP PI/PO. You can find more information on how to proceed with the import and configuration of the tpz content by following this link: https://techedgespain.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BTE/pages/2649653255

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