/ Report for batch marking Report for batch marking
/EDGE/SII_MARKNORELE - Report for marking of batches prior to activating functionality
In order to select non-relevant batches created prior to the implementation of this functionality, a report has been created to set which batches must be considered as non-relevant.
The report is called /EDGE/MARK_LOTES_NO_RELEVANTES and it is reachable from the Area Menu:
The main screen is shown as follows:
- Select not relevant - Executes the marking process for the selected intermediates according to the search criteria set on the selection screen.
- Deselect all not relevant - Unmarks all non-relevant indicators. This option should be used only on exceptional cases, for example, to unmark batched marked by a wrong configuration.
Selection parameters (option - Select not relevant):
- Company Code - The eDocument company from table EDOCUMENT.
- eDocument Type - The eDocument type from table EDOCUMENT.
- Creation Date - The creation date of the eDocument from table EDOCUMENT.
No matter the option chosen, the report will be executed on background mode and it will generate a monitored job on transaction SM37 created with the name /EDGE/MARK_LOTES_NO_RELEV_JOB.
It is recommended to execute the report when no batches is being sent to the AT.
, multiple selections available,
Avvale 2024