B+SII SAP ECC Add-On 1.6.6

B+SII SAP ECC Add-On 1.6.6

Note 1: This request is delta over any version 1.6.X previous to it and contains the versions from 1.6.1 to 1.6.5. Contains both Workbench and Customizing objects, which must be installed on all clients.





Hotfix 013

A default implementation is provided for the REAGYP fields.

"The mapping of these fields was done in the GET_PORCENT_REAGYP and GET_IMPORTE_REAGYP methods of the BAdI without default implementation /EDGE/BADI_SII_MAPPING_REC_CLI and moves to methods of the same name to the BADI with default implementation /EDGE/BADI_SII_MAPPING_REC. if any of these have been implemented, the code should be reviewed to ensure that the behavior remains the correct one."


Hotfix 014

The default implementation of the BADI GET_REGIMEN_ESPECIAL method of general mapping was modified in order to maintain the special regime 12 on invoices received in the first semester and to report the deductible quota with 0 and date of accounting registration with the date of dispatch.

It is recommended to update the changes in this BAdI in case of having an implementation.


Hotfix 015

Initialization of total amount variable in invoices received, to resolve incident in which accumulated the amount of all invoices included in the batch after installing version 1.6.5.




Incidence Alarms: When an alarm is parameterized by class and this class does not find users sum counter on the notifications button but does not send any notifications. This is fixed so that the wrong send entry appears.




The performance of the cockpit is partially improved. Some performance improvements are still pending.

Requires manual action: When making this improvement the call order has been modified to the BAdI/edge/badi_sii_cockpit_sel (selection screen widening for the cockpit). All clients that install this version and have this implemented BAdI must modify the method recover_data_file of this BAdI. In this change what you have to do in the code is:

  1. Just before SELECT, make a check that the range of selection fields is not empty.
  2. Just after the SELECT, the pack_key must be rebuilt. 




New buttons have been added to the ALV toolbar on the Batch tab to filter and sort fields on batch lines.




A new state is created for intermediate eDocuments: Accepted-> Obsolete. This state is reached when a document has been accepted by the AEAT and subsequently creates a low or creates a high with the same Invoice ID.




It adds the functionality of Automation changes Invoice ID. When you change the Invoice ID (which is unique) of a document, two things can happen: 

1. If the document was NOT accepted by the AEAT and the Invoice ID is changed, the eDocument with the previous invoice ID is deleted and a new one is created with the Invoice ID corrected.

2. If the document has been accepted by the AEAT and the Invoice ID is changed, a downgrade is created with the previous invoice ID that must be sent to the AEAT (not sent automatically) to cancel the previous document with the "old" invoice ID, and a new eDocument is created with the new invoice ID.

Read documentation to activate this functionality: eDocument self-management on Invoice IDs changes


Avvale 2024