B+SII Dashboard Release 1.7.3.- Release Notes

B+SII Dashboard Release 1.7.3.- Release Notes


  • [BSII-776] - Assign the batch creation tile to the default user
  • [BSII-797] - Unify search filters like popup


  • [BSII-718] - Error for the unanswered Records tile: It is filtered by relevant records, however the unanswered records are never relevant
  • [BSII-801] - The records for the lots with the types of operation are not processed: Cash payment. Travel Agencies and Insurance Operation (High and Low)
  • [BSII-823] - Error adding additional data to a user after saving it without leaving the same screen to create it
  • [BSII-828] - Random selection of checkbox from the listings by selecting the header checkbox
  • [BSII-842] - Load error of the record subtype drop-down in any tile of records
  • [BSII-958] - Error when the frequency of the alarm type is modified


  • [BSII-803] - Archived records sort the blank or empty in different order according to the field
  • [BSII-824] - Improve the description of the search filtering in the header of the Origins and Companies tables of the "Origins and Companies Management" tile
  • [BSII-832] - Audit information for the user
  • [BSII-833] - Improve the logo information in DB
  • [BSII-834] - Delete list of alarms generated in the notification details (UI)
  • [BSII-886] - Show last attempt of incorrect access of the user in UI as part of the detailed information of the user
  • [BSII-889] -Validate that the description of the type of alarm when it is created is not empty
  • [BSII-902] - Include a new search criteria in the filtering of records to filter by managed, unmanaged or all (backend, frontend)
  • [BSII-909] - Adaptation of visible / editable fields in the creation of batches


  • [BSII-478] - Possibility of selecting from the frontend the incorrect records of a batch to generate a new batch from them
  • [BSII-479] - Navigation from the list of incorrect records selected to the generation screen of a new batch
  • [BSII-485] - Customizing of the visible / editable fields of the records to be corrected
  • [BSII-558] - Filtered list of new batches (saved to be sent or sent) from the "Batch Creation" tile
  • [BSII-744] - Do not allow the grouping of records with different status (accepted with errors / rejected)
  • [BSII-783] - Creation in BD of the parameters necessary for communication with the SOAP services exposed by Fuse and PI for the sending of batches
  • [BSII-784] - Include new tab in the "Advanced configuration" tile to configure the connection with Cloud / PI
  • [BSII-786] - Expand backend implementation to retrieve / update communication parameters with the integrator (URL, technical user and password)
  • [BSII-830] -Add a new parameter to specify if Cloud / PI is being used to send batches (Frontend)

Avvale 2024