3.1.4 Applications: Upload invoice

3.1.4 Applications: Upload invoice

You can access from the application list at the left of the screen, at the Invoice upload option.

This application allows the direct upload of electronic invoices to the Portal, so it can be shared with the client. Te supported formats can be XML or PDF.

To upload an invoice, you must select the type of format that shows in the scroll list of the Type field. Then, in the Select invoice field, navigate towards the document you want to attach. Once this steps have been made, the Upload Invoice button will be available.

The next message in the lower part of the screen appears with a link to check the format of the invoice with the Validation Service.

Once the invoice is up, it will go to the client's system, who will validate the process, so the invoice can be available for his viewing and processing with the rest of the invoices in the main display, inside the Invoices application.

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