Manual tasks

Manual tasks

  • Insert table entries /EDGE/EI_IT_BU

The /EDGE/EI_IT_BU table must be parameterized with the entries for the document types and VAT indicator of incoming invoices and indicate the interpreter I1 for these. An example is the following:

In this example, it is indicated that the invoices for company code TCH9, document type RE and any VAT code are taken scenario I1 (Corresponding to incoming invoices).

  • Table contents /EDGE/EI_IT_CDDE

Before upgrading to version 2.0 it is recommended that you copy the contents of table /EDGE/EI_IT_CDDE so that after upgrading you can re-enter the values. This is because the table has been redesigned for better functionality and key fields have been changed. This change could lead to some loss of content in the table.

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Avvale 2024