Hotfix 001

Hotfix 001

In this hotfix several errors that have been presented at the time of installing the product are solved:

  1. An error that occurred in higher versions in the button panel of the ALVs of the monitors is corrected by modifying the position of the ADD_FUNCTION method. Position 2 has been replaced by its constant IF_SALV_C_FUNCTION_POSITION=>RIGHT_OF_SALV_FUNCTIONS.

  2. Correction of the fiscal year field in the header of the amendment invoices. Currently the GJAHR field was being retrieved from the correcting invoice. The logic to retrieve the REBZJ field is modified.

  3. Correction in the BADI CHANGE_CREATION. It is modified so that in collections and payments it is not taken into account.

  4. Correction of the field NUM_FACTURA in the rectifying invoices. The mapping is changed.

Installable files
Transfer order OSDK908021 : This order has Workbench content, so you only have to install it in a single client.

This file can be downloaded from the One Place download portal:



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Avvale 2024