From this section we will visualize the data related with the withholding tax associated with the supplier and it allows to perform the necessary modifications in each posting.
- Apply tax: This check allows to enable or disable any withholding into the posting of the document.
- Withholdint tax type - Type of withholding defined in the supplier master.
- Withholding tax code: Modifiable fields.
- Withholding tax base amount: Modifiable field where you can indicate the desired base replacing the indicated percentage of the withholding master data.
- Withholding tax amount: Modifiable field through which a fixed amount of withholding can be indicated.
- Percentage rate: Percentage indicated in the withholding master data to calculate the withholding base.
- Withholding tax rate: Percentage that is applied on the base to calculate the total withholding.
, multiple selections available,
Avvale 2024