3.2.5 Customizing

3.2.5 Customizing

b+ Electronic invoice Italy has a start menu for the product: /n/edge/it_tr_002

After introducing the transaction press execute and the menu will appear:


Captura de pantalla 2024-12-16 114750.png


The following transaction allows customising the conditions for the creation of invoices to be sent to the agency:

Captura de pantalla 2024-12-16 113157.png

We will set up the necessary companies with which we will operate.



Possible values



Possible values

Company code

Identifier of the company code to which the condition applies


Company name

Description of the company name



Check box to activate the selected company option.

Active - Indicates that it is active and records for these company codes will be considered.

Not active - Indicates that the company is not active and records created for these companies will not be considered.



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