Authorizations: Application user (RO)
Minimum authorization objects for an application user:
Transaction Code | Object of authorization | Description | Value |
/EINVO/RO_TR_001 - Monitor Romania | /EDGE/FC03 | This authorization object establishes permission to access the "Monitor Romania" transaction. |
S_TCODE | This authorization object is SAP standard and is required to access transactions in our product. |
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K_TP_VALU | This authorization object establishes the user's permission to control access to certain operations related to asset valuations. Necessary to access the Doc. No. FI button. |
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F_BKPF_KOA | This authorization object establishes the user's permission to access and manage financial information in the accounting accounts. Necessary to access the Doc. No. FI button. |
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F_BKPF_BUK | Accounting Document: Authorization. Necessary to access the Doc. No. FI button. |
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F_KNA1_APP | Customer: Application Authorization. Necessary to access the customer address button. |
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F_KNA1_GEN | Customer: Central Data. Necessary to access the customers button. |
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F_KNA1_GRP | Customer: Account Group Authorizat. Necessary to access the customers button. |
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F_KNA1_BUK | Customer: Authorization for Company. Necessary to access the customers button. |
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S_WFAR_OBJ | This authorization object is required to view the attachment of documents in the Monitor Romania. |
In case you use another Repository ID, add it here.
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S_GUI | Autorización p.actividades GUI. Required to download the attachments. |
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S_TABU_NAM | Table access with generic standard. Necessary to access the alarm button. |
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S_APPL_LOG | This authorization object establishes permission for the user to view and manipulate application log data for analysis, monitoring and troubleshooting purposes. Necessary to access the log button. |
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V_VBRK_VKO | Billing: Authorization for Sales Organizations. Necessary to access the Doc. No. SD button. |
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V_VBRK_FKA | Billing: Authorization for Billing Types. Necessary to access the Doc. No. SD button. |
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ZAL_ALARMA | This authorisation object is required for the Alarms product. | Authorization by product: CORE | |
/EINVO/RO_TR_002 - Creation conditions | S_TCODE | This authorization object is SAP standard and is required to access transactions in our product. |
S_TABU_NAM | Table access with generic standard. |
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/EINVO/RO_TR_003 - Reprocessing | S_TCODE | This authorization object is SAP standard and is required to access transactions in our product. |
ZEIRO_R | This authorization object establishes the permission to the user to access the transaction "Reprocess Romania". |
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F_BKPF_BUK | Accounting Document: Authorization. |
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K_TP_VALU | This authorization object establishes the user's permission to control access to certain operations related to asset valuations. |
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F_BKPF_KOA | This authorization object establishes the user's permission to access and manage financial information in the accounting accounts. |
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V_VBRK_VKO | Billing: Authorization for Sales Organizations |
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V_VBRK_FKA | Billing: Authorization for Billing Types |
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M_RECH_WRK | Materials Management - Invoice Verification. Necessary to access the Doc. No. MM button. |
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S_APPL_LOG | This authorization object establishes permission for the user to view and manipulate application log data for analysis, monitoring and troubleshooting purposes. |
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/EINVO/RO_TR_004 - Report for received | S_TCODE | This authorization object is SAP standard and is required to access transactions in our product. |
/EINVO/RO_TR_005 - Check status | S_TCODE | This authorization object is SAP standard and is required to access transactions in our product. |
ZAL_ALARMA | This authorisation object is required for the Alarms product. | Authorization by product: CORE | |
/EINVO/RO_TR_006 - Customer updates | S_TCODE | This authorization object is SAP standard and is required to access transactions in our product. |
ZEIRO_R | This authorization object establishes the permission to the user to access the transaction "Reprocess Romania". |
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Avvale 2024