3.5.3 Email Italy
When sending an electronic invoice, it is recommended to customize a personal message to the invoice receiver.
This transaction allows to customize the bodies of the messages for the email to be sent with the electronic invoice.
This screen it is allow to create, delete or edit messages, through following functional buttons:
/EDGE/EI_IT_RP_EMAIL: This transaction allows you to configure the bodies of the e-mail messages to be sent to the customer.
Create message
For a new message, it is mandatory to fill all blank fields, then click on New Entries button;
Once it is saved, the message parameters will be displayed in the main screen, with all the messages customized:
Edit message
To edit a message already created, select the parameter line of the message requerid for a change and then press the Edit button
Delete message
For the deletion of a message, press on the message parameter to be deleted.
This will fill the blank boxes with the selection made, then tap on the Delete buttom in order to delete the message.
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