3. Search of previous conciliations

3. Search of previous conciliations

When performing the filter and pressing execute, the reconciliations corresponding to the filter that was set will appear.

  • IDConcilia: Correlative identification number.
  • Difference: Appears in white when there are no differences. If the following icon appears , there are differences. By clicking this icon, it leads to another screen where the differencess will be diplayed or by double clicking the line, it leads to the differences by VAT type.

- Standard difference screen:

- VAT type difference screen:

  • Company code: Society for which conciliation has been carried out.
  • AT daily book: Type of record for the AT.
  • Year: Posting fiscal year
  • Period: Posting period
  • Reconciliation status: Identifies the status of the record by a traffic light.

- Green: Reconciliation completed.

- Yellow: Conciliation in process.

        - Red: Reconciliation not performed due a technical error, which can be resumed.

  • End date: Date on which the reconciliation was ended.
  • Time: Time when the reconciliation was ended.
  • Other Columns: They refer to total amounts and other information about the record.

Avvale 2024