4. Differences or disagreements
4. Differences or disagreements
If you click on the icon you can see the differences in another screen:
- AT/SAP Disagreement: This tab displays the data, the operation type and the status of the records. By clicking the Process status description of the record (in this case "Not Aligned"), it will navigate into the cockpit with the information for the selected record.
By clicking on the "Differences Tree" you can see a report
in wich the sections may be unflod to display the fields with disagreements between SAP system and the AT in a more detailed and visual way. On the left side SAP data will be displayed and on the right, the AT data. The differences will be remarked with a yellow background.- Orphans: Displays the records posted in the AT that are not posted on SAP system or were not found.
By clicking on
, as in the previous section, the AT tree will be displayed , with the information related with the selected invoice, in detail.- Doc. SAP without AT: This tab displays the documents not sent to the AT or documents that for any other reason have not reached into the AT.
From the tabs "Differences AT/SAP" and "Doc. SAP without AT", it can navigate into the financial document, by clicking directly on the DocumentNumber:
, multiple selections available,
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