4. Exceptions in fields to be compared

4. Exceptions in fields to be compared

You can implement your own comparators for the different fields, customized by company code (also generically with space or "*") and record book. For this, transaction sm30 will be used to update the table / EDGE / SII_CO_012. When there is no entry for a field, the comparison of the default class / EDGE / CL_SII_COMPARADOR_CAMPOS is used.

The fields to be customized are the following:

  • Company:Company for which the exception applies. If it is empty or has the value "*" it applies to all companies.
  • Record book: Record Book in which the exception applies.
  • Field: Field for which the exception applies.
  • Class/Interface:Class used to make the exceptional comparison, these classes have to implement the interface / EDGE / IF_SII_COMPARADOR_CAMPOS and its method COMPARA_ELEMENTO. If a class is not parameterized, the field will be ignored in the comparisons of the reconciliations.

Avvale 2024