The parameterization of triggers have to be by default from product.
This parameterization is about make relations between object with a alarm type and configurate which field of the extraction table object is relevant to start or end this alarm type, it can also configure a class for start or end the alarm of this kind, it will depend of the trigger which has been configured for a specific alarm.
There are three trigger types that can be configured for an alarm:
Expiration.- In the alarm trigger parameterization for a Expiration alarm only will be allowed to start the alarm with a date field of the extraction object and a field of any other extaction table object to end.
State .- For the start parameterization of state alarm will be allowed to start with one field of any extraction table object and other field of the same table to end.
Value .-For the alarm value will be allowed parameterization so much for a field of extraction table object as for a class to start the alarm and a field of the extraction table object o a class to end the alarm.
For developa owner class for a specific trigger, this class has to extends the abstract class /EDGE/CL_AL_DETERM_OBJ. And the voids to overwrite are:
SELECT_DESACT → This void is calling from /EDGE/IF_AL_DETERM_OBJ~DETERMINE_DESACT_INSTANCES_AL and running when a register that end the alarm is defined. This void does not received any register from extraction table object, the register are received in the IT_RECORDS_IN_ALARM parameter and it will be use to end the alarm. It should be return in the IT_RECORDS_DEL_ALARM parameter all the redister to remove the alarm.
LOOP_DESACT → This void is calling from /EDGE/IF_AL_DETERM_OBJ~DETERMINE_DESACT_INSTANCES_AL and running when a register that end the alarm is defined.