BAdI for Issued Invoice Creation (PL)
BAdI for Issued Invoice Creation (PL)
The definition of BAdI /EINVO/PL_IF_BADI_ISSUED_CREA has implemented a default or reserve class (/EINVO/PL_CL_BADI_ISSUED_CREA) that runs in case no client-specific logic or class is implemented.
It is responsible for determining the issued FI invoice. In case the client wants to implement other scenarios, they should redefine and implement a Z class: https://techedgespain.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BEGCS/pages/3213689038 .
The following are the methods that can be redefined through custom implementation of the BAdI
Method | Description |
/EINVO/PL_IF_BADI_ISSUED_CREA~DETERMINE_FI_ISSUED | Determines if the invoice is from interpreter P1 (eInvoice Poland) |
Avvale 2024