BAdI Repository (PL)
The definition of BAdI /EINVO/PL_IF_BADI_ISSUED_REPO has implemented a default or reserve class (/EINVO/PL_CL_BADI_ISSUED_REPO) that runs in case no client-specific logic or class is implemented.
The purpose of this BAdI is to assign a name to the XML file. Currently, the file name varies depending on whether it is a regular invoice or a corrected invoice. Additionally, the repository for storing the XML file is defined.
The client has the ability to modify both the file name according to their needs by redefining and implementing a Z class: FAQ 002 - How to implement a method of a BAdI.
The following are the methods that can be redefined through custom implementation of the BAdI: .
Method | Description |
/EINVO/PL_IF_BADI_ISSUED_REPO~ALMACENAR_XML_ENVIO | Stores the XML file for sending in a configured repository |
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