14. License installation.

14. License installation.

The product license consists of a file named “license.lic” with binary content, generated by Techedge.

This file must be copied to a local path of the File System of the SAP PI server, the same path that is configured in the communication channel of b + TicketBAI, in the "core.license" configuration parameter (Example: / usr / sap / <SYSID> /realtech.com/license/license.lic).

In case of a cluster installation, it is necessary to copy the file in each instance that is part of the cluster, assuring that in each instance it is copied in the same path.

Where to obtain the license file


Techedge makes the license files available to its customers in the Customer Portal, so that they can be downloaded and installed when their expiration date is approaching.


To do so, please access the Licensing area:


License verification at runtime


At each execution, the product will check if the associated license is valid. In the event that the validation is not correct, the processing will be immediately interrupted, notifying error in the technical log.

The validation process will check the license as incorrect in the following cases:

  • If the license has expired.

  • If the license file is not found.

  • If the license file does not match the installation number and the system id (It does not affect if you have core.license_mode = INT configured).


Manual license verification


Techedge will soon make available a utility where you can validate the license file, as well as display the start and end dates of validity.

Obtaining installation number and SapId


If you do NOT have the following parameter core.license_mode = INT configured in your SAP PI communication channel, for license generation you will need to provide the "Installation Number" and "SapId" data of your SAP PI system.


There are several ways to extract the "Installation Number" and "SapId"; the most common one is by accessing the system information through the following URL:


Avvale 2024