MQTT Adapter configuration to receive
MQTT Adapter configuration to receive
The Receiver channel of the adapter is in charge of publishing a Topic in the Broker. This channel receives a message from SAP PI, connects to the Broker and publishes the message.
Receiver channel configuration
In the Receiver channel configuration of the B_PLUS_MQTT adapter, the output file type is chosen by the variable Message Protocol: XML/JSON.
XML: The sent file is an XML type. It is processed and sent to the Broker as an XML.
JSON: The sent file is a JSON type and it is published with this type in the Broker. Before publishing the file in the Broker, it is necessary to parse and transform it into JSON from XML due to PI, which only process XML files, will send an XML file.
Selecting any of these protocol types, the following configuration tabs are shown:
, multiple selections available,
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