Introduction to MQTT Adapter

Introduction to MQTT Adapter

MQTT is a protocol design for lightweight M2M communication, making it an ideal protocol for IoT. Communications between MQTT clients pass through a Broker, which is in charge of managing the publications and subscriptions of the clients, creating queues to distribute messages and delivering the messages to each client subscribed to the message Topic, among other things.

  • MQTT

MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a M2M (Machine to Machine) communication protocol very lightweight, based in a publish/subscribe architecture to be used over TCP/IP protocol.

It was originally designed for connections with very low bandwidth and for devices that consume very little battery

  • Broker

The Broker is the central point of communication between publishers and subscribers: int sends the information to each receiver when something new is published.

Each MQTT client must always have an open connection to the Broker. If the connection fails, the Broker can store all messages in a buffer and send them again when the client is connected.

  • Adapter functional diagram

The following diagram shows the relative position of a Sender channel and a Receiver channel in relation to the Broker and PI:

MQTT architecture, based in publish/subscribe, allows anonymous communication between several clients automatically; so, channels subscribed to a same Topic will receive the same message and will active their corresponding PI flows with the same payload.

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